Ski Instructor Courses Switzerland – Our ISIA Team 2017/18
Ski Instructor Courses Switzerland – Update from our ISIA Training Team
Ski Instructor Courses Switzerland. Our ISIA Team has been busy with training and teaching this season. Here is the second part of January, following up from our previous update!
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Race Training
The ski training continued with plenty of hours dedicated to technique development.
Amongst other things we were also able to put every team member on a pair of long GS skis, for a couple of days, free of charge. Our race stock is always at disposal of the members for a test, free of charge!
By doing so we are able to train technical abilities from a different angle, as well as preparing the fundations for the GS race training we will run in dedicated weeks in April!
Race training foundations keep on running through out the rest of the season. Both on GS skis again as well as slalom skis, always from our private stock and always for free of charge for our ski instructor members.
Of course is not all about racing. Our everyday schedule includes all-terrain technical training as well as teaching and coaching training. As well, having a level 4 training group on the hill allows the ISIA Team members to shadow the coach during his work. Hopefully gaining interesting experiences from all different angles! Freestyle introduction is also part of the regular training, so that everyone can have a go at it, without pressure.
Off-Snow Training
During this training block we also start running languages classes. Led by our specialized language teacher, every member had the chance to learn the basics of the German language. Useful to know for town life as well as necessary towards the ISIA requirement of a second language!
From the Fitness front, this year we decided, following what we’ve seen through our posture checks, to run Yoga sessions once a week. Our yoga teacher and qualified physio therapist run successful sessions through out the month, improving everyone’s flexibility and hopefully preventing future injuries! Of course, these classes are also included in the package.
Mountains are calling
The January training block ended with a final mountain safety training session, run by our off piste specialist coach. The session was a useful recap on snow reading, transcever research as well as a little ski tour with skins on, right before the IASI Level 1 Off Piste Security.
We organized this module for our members with the help of Prime Mountain Sports. They are based in Engelberg (CH) and very kindly fulfilled our requirements in terms of dates and budget!

Our Mathias during his Mountain Security course in Engelberg
Ski Instructor Courses Switzerland –
What next for the ISIA Team?
After the Off piste security module in Engelberg the ISIA team will come back to Zermatt for two solid weeks of work during February Half Term.
The plan is then to start training again on the last week of February and through out March. In order to prepare toward the Tech and Teach dates of the end of the season, as well as training the second discipline of their choice.
April will see two full weeks dedicated to Giant Slalom training. Even though the ISIA test and the Euro test are not part of the level 3; we believe that race training (if correctly run) can be very useful towards the improving of the general technique. As well, specially for those who have never raced before, being able to gain confidence with the gate and learning the basics of tactics and line picking is fundamental towards future success!
In Zermatt we will also run the IASI Coaching Theory Course, through Subzero Coaching!
All our members will have a discount from the full fee. we believe this course is a great way for any instructor to gain extra knowledge; and a good way of saving some money for IASI members. This is a required module towards the Level 3 ISIA!

Enjoying some downtime together 😉
Keep following us on our blog or take a look at the ski instructor courses we run in Zermatt.
The Subzero Coaching Coaching Team
Ski Instructor Courses Switzerland – Subzero Coaching
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Click here for more info on our Level 3 ISIA Training, the Level 4 Training or on how to become a ski instructor!
Ski Instructor Courses Switzerland Subzero Coaching
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