Alpine Ski Racing Basics

Alpine ski racing basics
Alpine Ski Racing Basic
Here are the slides our Gemma presented to us at the beginning of March.
Please give it a read in the week before the GS Training in Cervinia, since lots of it will be needed to better understand what Roberto will ask you to do.
The choice of line, the ability to visualize the spaces and the ability to gather and retain informations in a course will make the difference between a successful result, in both training time and racing itself.
Please take the time to read these slides and also integrate them with other videos (beside the excellent choices on these slides) and other articles. If you find something interesting please post them on the private group on FB or via email!
Final note, on the week before the GS training please ski only on GS skis! It will be very beneficial to get use to them and feel at ease once in the course.
See you all soon!